Wednesday 19 December 2007

Concepts, concept development, reflex actions and emerging behaviour patterns

Concepts, as they develop in an individual gradually become rigid and inflexible, ossified structures, driven by the necessity, in the individual, to efficiently tackle life events of a repetitive nature. This is exacerbated by the singleness of awareness, meaning that our mind can only process a single item at a time. Efficiency demands for the mind to establish reflex actions to process repetitive life tasks.

As the reflex arc develops, includes concepts and their attributes, branching out into a network by virtue of the common attributes among concepts, alongside with associated tools or mechanisms required to process the inclusive concepts and attributes. The tools and mechanisms will include the words symbols specific to a concept and syntax rules for assembling the words into meaningful sentences, pertained and defined by the culture from which the words have sprung up.

The network of concepts and associated tools form structures of schemata as it is mentioned in Cognitive Psychology textbooks. The network of concepts further associate itself with emotional social mechanisms which altogether assemble in emerged behaviour patterns. This emerging pattern of behaviour is brought forward and asserts itself each time the associated network of concepts is summoned by events in the every day life of an individual and as it is rigid, a reflex action, it will continue to submerge unchanged.

To change a certain pattern of behaviour the individual has to work on the underlying network of concepts. To enrich already existing concepts with new attributes, to amend, to add the attributes or introduce new concepts altogether. This will be taken up by the brain/mind which it will form new reflex actions and finally new emerging behaviour patterns.

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