Thursday 14 February 2008

Fractal dimensions harbour parallel worlds?

A quantum entity in a dilemma. A choice will take it to one or the other direction. Instead of choosing one but not the other, it follows both so it splits. There is a path that takes you to that direction, one of the choices and there is the path that takes you to other direction. And along with each direction, the rest of the world. Parallel worlds. Worlds residing close to one another but separate from one another.

Taken it from their origin, quantum entities, that is an awful lot of worlds, as a matter of fact(?), an infinity of parallel worlds. Where would all these worlds fit in? In fractal dimensions? A world that its path unfold in 1.345 dimension and another in 1.346 dimension. What about 1.3451 or 1.3452 dimensions? Worlds unfold there too. As well as, in 1.345213... and 1.345214675..., there is an infinity of dimensions between the whole numbers 1 and 2, as in between any other whole numbers, an infinity of fractions and fractal dimensions exist and each with its own parallel world. Fractal dimensions where all parallel worlds can fit in.

All parallel worlds packed together like the layers in an onion bulb, extremely thin layers of infinitesimal sizes, in infinitesimal distance along each other, every one of them in its own unique plane never crossing each other. Or is it not? Do they cross each other?

Certainly it makes sense, as all of them originate in the quantum realm, the classical world, the world we perceive with our senses, would only materialise in a few cases. Where the quantum entities interactions produce a viable classical world. So realisable parallel classical worlds will be fewer than parallel quantum worlds, the ratio of classical to quantum parallel in magnitudes defined by Avogadro's constant, where the thresholds of quantum to classical world must lie.

This approach limits the parallel classical worlds and makes possible the interaction between parallel classical worlds. It is expected that, at the quantum level, the boundaries between parallel worlds in close proximity, to be easily crossed. As the emergence of a classical world would be expected to materialise out of the interactions of quantum entities of closely residing parallel quantum worlds. Interactions between closely residing parallel worlds has already been suggested (quote forgotten).

As closely residing parallel worlds mingle at times, quantum entities are transported from world to world and subsequently interact with the quantum entities in the transported world, only to return back to their parallel realm later. Could that be possible for any objects in our classical world? If it is small enough?

It might be, that when you loose any small artifact and despite your persistent efforts can not find, it has been transported into a parallel universe, only to be found seconds, minutes, hours, days later on its return from the trans-parallel-world journey.


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