Monday 15 November 2010

Understanding entropy

understanding entropy

In language, words concepts vocabulary used, worked and re-worked into finer detail, in the minds of people or even in the mind of just an individual. The concept elaborated, the meaning it carries refined and in the process looses everything that does not apply in the meanings attributed. What does not comply with the states is used to explain. Debris discarded, junk thrown into a void, never to be visited again, surpassed by human knowledge. Entropy increased? Gives a measure of the notion of entropy? How it is derived and its proper significance? In the way that people would explain its occurrence?

Such a void is continually filled with discarded obsolete remnants of concepts overtaken by more robust, to the point concepts? A process that is ongoing, not only for language but for any complex system? The universe, nature itself? A thought sprung out from the idea put forth in R.D. Smith's 'Social Structures and Chaos Theory'(1998) extract.

"5.8 A connectionist model allows two kinds of patterns to be studied. The first is the pattern of the signals, communications or other influences which flow through the lattice. This shall be referred to as the flux pattern. ...

The pattern that is already present, out of the network of nodes existing at a particular chunk of space and within a well-defined time. the current status of affairs for the complex system.

5.9 The second kind of pattern which can be studied is defined by the architecture of the lattice itself: the pattern of connections among the various elements of the lattice and through which the signals propagate. This is known as the architecture, the matrix, or the lattice."

The architecture of the lattice connectedness provided, all the nodes of the network that participate in the several patterns that are possible, everything that defines complex systems. And its most enduring feature..

"The lattice places, for practical purposes, limits on what flux patterns are possible. The architecture allows us to differentiate plausible futures from implausible futures and, perhaps, from impossible futures."

The architecture of the lattice provides limits to what flux patterns are possible, what features still hold for complex systems. Trimming off the nodes of the networked complex systems, nodes that were once determining the states of complex systems, are no more. Obsolete, superseded all the patterns upon which complex systems relied upon now debris, junk representing the entropy of the systems. How the entropy in systems increases.

Since this is quite evident in human systems, all the junk that litters landfills as technology surpassing their use, they are now obsolete. The same goes in the sphere of ideas holding for the systems people use to govern their societies, how many of them have been abandoned, the noetic landfills, the ever increasing entropy of culture and civilisation.

I wander how would that notion can be applied in much wider scales, nature and the universe itself, what would its original use, of universe entropy and the laws of thermodynamics.

As, the architecture lattice gets smaller and smaller, that doesn't mean it runs out of space, but by getting deeper into microscales, diverging and converging into, bifurcating constantly, fractal notions enabled, the space upon which phases-states, develop reaches the quantum realm, revealing as yet undiscovered chunks.

Nano-technology's progress bears witness, and what about Moore's Law, how this could be accommodated along these notions.

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