Sunday 13 April 2008

Frozen time? Traversed?

Patterns developed in time assume space-like properties. They unfold in the time realm, in all their glory, beauty, mystic or whatever other attributes their space developed counterparts assume. Revealed in their minutest depth, traversed along breadth and length, by an advancing, in tick by tick fashion, slit-size line, a horizon that represent the present on a path drawn by, not an arrow of time but instead an arrow of space.

It is intriguing what I came across by following up the literature on the arrow of time. I came upon, the psychological/perceptual arrow of time, described as culturally determined. For example, the Chinese and the Aymara people both associate (ahead = past) and (behind = future).

It is mentioned in this website that

"New analysis of the language and gesture of South America's Native Aymara people indicates a reverse concept of time."


"Contrary to what had been thought a cognitive universal among humans -- a spatial metaphor for chronology, based partly on our bodies' orientation and locomotion, that places the future ahead of oneself and the past behind -- the Amerindian group locates this imaginary abstraction the other way around: with the past ahead and the future behind."

It mentions also

"There are also in English ambiguous expressions like "Wednesday's meeting was moved forward two days."

and the question arises

"Does that mean the new meeting time falls on Friday or Monday?"

and the answer is

"Roughly half of polled English speakers will pick the former and the other half the latter."

explained as

"And that depends, it turns out, on whether they're picturing themselves as being in motion relative to time or time itself as moving."

Picture themselves in motion relative to time, as opposed to time itself as moving? Motion relative to time? Time is not moving? Time is traversed? Frozen time? And picture themselves as moving along frozen time?

In my mind I see that as an imprint of time and space reality in the human mind. A reality where the following suggestion holds

"This suggests that space and time are inversely proportionate, literally, space would be the inverse of time."

Space being the inverse of time, and vice-versa. By having such a relation, does it not imply that time and space share similar qualities? In the manner described above? Which the human mind is aware of? It becomes aware by virtue of the construction of the brain mentioned in 'Chapter 8.3 Supercausality and the Representation of Time in the Cortex', in 'Fractal Neurodynamics and Quantum Chaos : Resolving the Mind-Brain Paradox Through Novel Biophysics', of Chris King Mathematics and Statistics Department University of Auckland, and in 'Fractals Of Brain, Fractals of Mind , Advances in Consciousness Research 7, by John Betjamins

"The relationship between the frontal lobes and the rest of the cortex appears to involve representations of activities integrating future states [intentions] into time-directed actions based on past experiences [memories]. The frontal lobes generalize motor acts into associations in a similar manner to the sensory association areas in the rest of the cortex. Thus the frontal cortex may generate a spatially distributed representation of time in terms of the organization of both remembered and planned actions spanning the past and future, utilizing oscillatory phase relations as seen in EEG and evoked potential studies, possibly in the 40Hz mode suggested by Crick & Koch (1990)."

Frontal cortex generating spatially distributed representation of time spanning the past and future?

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