Sunday, 31 August 2008

Abolish money.

Threads connected with the thoughts expressed here
- Multinational corporations in 5th gear towards the 'global village'?
- Services. Building up monetisation-free zones?

The world evolves without you. My idea about abolishing money has already being raised and its seeds, the chaotic seeds, already planted. There are already ground-breaking individuals who elevated their thoughts from mere noise in the midst of their minds to firm fledglings, potential cornerstones for the exploration of how, why, when societies should get rid of money.

"The individuals' motivation to evolve and make use of their skills will not be anymore earmarked by a pride factor that is proclaiming its success basically in having been able to raise the envy of neighbours, friends and relatives, but solely by finding a deeper sense of satisfaction in being socially contributive to linking personal self-realization with the common well-being of all individuals & human communities."

The page I opened, in John H. Holland's book, 'Emergence', suited my current frame of mind. Without attempting to elaborate on this thought, I will quote the passage for future reference.

In page 190, I read

"If we turn reductionism on its head, we add levels to a basic description. More carefully, we add new laws that satisfy the constraints imposed by laws already in place. Moreover, these new laws apply to complex phenomena that are consequences of the original laws; they are at a new level."

Aspiring ideas for societies based upon the premise of no-money, treading the path of emergence, are expected to be built along the lines mentioned above.

The basic premise of rendering goods and services without the exchange of money, becoming the ingredient in establishing the original law, upon which new laws that satisfy the constraints imposed by the original law expect to give rise to complex phenomena as consequences of the original law, at a new level. Being followed by similar processes establishes further succesive levels and eventually will lead to the emergence of societies free of money.

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