Friday, 24 October 2008

Chaos in quantum systems, could provide new solutions to problems, not yet known?

The threads responsible for these thoughts
Quantum Chaos Unveiled?,
Chaos in my mind. Channels tapped
Raw ideas, grab them as they come
Moving the consciousness subject too far ...
Quantum tunneling? Access is denied.

I stopped there. I found something profound mentioned. Brian Saam, physicist from Utah University explores the relationship between chaos theory and modern quantum physics and states:

"When you look at all the technology governed by quantum physics, it's not unreasonable to assume that if one can apply chaos theory in a meaningful way to quantum systems, that will provide new insights, new technology, new solutions to problems not yet known."

What to say? That I agree with this approach? Certainly I do? So what? Yes, it is something that was always in my mind and as yet I have not found anything relevant to corroborate towards it. Does that make any sense? Probably not. Maybe not, not even to my myself. So why do I go on writing about it? Is it not, what I always do? Nagging my brain for a lead to the next thread to follow? A thread which eventually will or could lead me to meaning? Meaning for my own sake to say the least?

One thing for sure. Chaos is going to give an answer to a lot of problems or questions, and not only in quantum mechanics but in almost (why almost?) all matters, that fall under the umbrella which we call knowledge.

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